This website uses cookies to improve user experience and ensure its proper functioning. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site.

The cookies we use are of two types: cookies necessary for the functioning of the site and analytical cookies to understand how visitors interact with the site.

Necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and cannot be disabled. They are usually set in response to actions on your part, such as logging in, submitting forms, or managing privacy preferences.

Analytical cookies help us understand how you use the site, which sections are most popular, and how visitors interact with the content. This information is used to continually improve our site and provide a better user experience.

By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. If you wish to disable or delete cookies, you can do so by changing your browser settings. However, please note that this may affect the functionality of certain parts of the site.

To learn more about how we use cookies and how we process personal data, please refer to our privacy policy.